Thursday, November 6, 2008

Noting for posterity, so I don't forget. I need to find out what to do with this degree and any possible graduate degree. I get to be new and malleable and not determined again, even more so this time, cause I'm grown! Hahahaha, I'm free!

So: Winter and Spring breaks and summers will be partially spent in different places in different environments doing different things. I have a good job, alhamdullilah and not huge expenses and I have skills. I can probably afford to go off somewhere for a week between semesters or a month in the summers and go learn about some field or industry.

Must do that. Must plan ahead. Will work for free if I can't get something paid, insha'Allah. The dragon stirs, folks. The dragon stirs!

Back to work, #Q% #@$#%#$ ^#@%@ % Calculus.

/cry /wail Frickin' relevant to my degree. /grumble

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