Monday, December 15, 2008

1 down, 1 to go

Calc final is done. I didn't feel terrible on it. I got brain freeze from somebody clicking a pen next to me and couldn't for the life of me dredge up how to do an easy max/min problem, but I think it was mostly okay.

Comp sci is tomorrow, but at least it isn't until 4, so lots of time left to study. Then I have the rest of the day off after the exam and I'm free. Freeee! :)

Oh, also, I saw the team Jacob/team Edward concept somewhere. I listened to the audiobooks and I am firmly on team Jacob.

*a couple minutes later*

Eh, I went and found a picture of the actor who plays Jacob. I'm not terribly impressed. He's a little too pretty. I think their casting of Edward is spot on though, looks-wise anyway. I liked the actor who plays Edward in Harry Potter too.


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