Friday, October 17, 2008

Sooo tired. I fell asleep at work today. Fortunately, the people that came in were all people who like us a lot, mainly because we've done good work in the past for them or are handling something sticky with poise and aplomb. We're good at poise and aplomb.

Anyway, I am way too tired. I raided last night, sure, but then I went to bed at a decent time. 1:30 am > 2am, which is when I usually fall into bed. I want to go home. Like, now. And eat and take the night off. Except I won't, because I want to start the weekend out right for once and be ahead of the work curve.

Goals for the weekend: Finish all Calc HW for next week. Understand for once how the heck to do problems based on what we did this week (extreme values). Finish my programming project. Update my wow addon so it doesn't spew way too many decimal places of attack speed, although that last is minor, very minor compared to the others. Oh yes, and level inscription, if I decide to. And decide what to do about wrath raiding.

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