Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a couple of things, and Fem 2.0, pt. 1

Just a quick post tonight, with more to come tomorrow. (I have massive amounts of homework due tomorrow morning. Even with half of it done, the remainder is still massive.)

But, I just wanted to say that I did actually make it to Fem 2.0 today. I'm glad I went. I asked my mom's question and I think I got some good answers. I have to edit the audio and get it up here. I'm stoked to also hopefully go to She's Geeky in April and BlogHer in July. I think both might be right up my alley and might also give me some good networking possibilities and just a chance to get out there and talk to people.

I would like to address two specific things though, to my regular readers as well as the conference-goers, should any of them read this, especially those in the session where I asked my question. My question was basically "What is feminism?" Here goes.

First of all, my intent was not to label anyone a feminist. I was under the impression that that was the accepted, even expected term. I see that that isn't the case, but I am still a little confused, because the initial reaction I got to my question is the same reaction that I got from my mom when I brought up BlogHer. I had some light shed on that, in my mom's case, being a reaction to social feminists. And I need to investigate that term further. But, I don't understand why it isn't a good thing to be labeled a feminist. Forgive me for my ignorance, but I don't get it.

And if the issue is being labeled in general, as opposed to being able to just exist, I do get that.

The second issue I'd like to address is the name of my blog: WeirdBroke & Lonely came about because for much of my life, I have been lonely. I was one of those children who was too different to fit into the social milieu and straddled the worlds of children and adults very early and for a very long time, because I went to college very early and in times and places without real infrastructure to support me through that process and the process of becoming adult in that environment.

And now, as an adult, I don't drink (alchohol) and don't hang out with people who are drinking alchohol, and I dress Islamically (long sleeves, long shirt, long pants or skirt, headscarf, no face veil), and pray 5 times a day, and don't shake hands with men. Yet at the same time, I run and do anything I have the opportunity to do, especially in active arenas or sports. And all of that, combined with my unique upbringing, keeps me outside of my generation even now. There isn't really any hope for that, that I can see.

If my vision is limited, by all means enlighten me, but by and large I am considered weird by those who would be my peers, friends, confidantes, which leaves me without peers, friends, confidantes, except for one very special individual whom I don't get to see much, you know who you are. :)

In general though, I see myself being very lonely for a very long time to come. The title just acknowledges that, which takes away some of its power. When I studied martial arts more actively, they taught us that the punch that hurts the most is the one that you don't see coming. So by recognizing that I am weird and lonely, I ease some of the hurt that causes.

The broke is a tongue in cheek reference to being in school and isn't quite accurate anymore. Yay!

Special thanks to those who answered my questions. All in all, being at the conference was worth missing classes and work and having a hectic day today. :}

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