It's one of those days, you know, the sort of day where you get out of bed and step in a pile of cat vomit and then you take a shower and realize that you have no clean underwear, and since underwear is not like socks and can't be reworn for weeks after removing it once, you have to wash out a pair and because you have no oven, you then have to put the pair on damp. Then you have to wear the damp underwear all day, because damp underwear sandwiched between your jeans and your butt does not dry. It stays damp. Or, you can decide to go underwearless. I don't know about you, but jeans commando is not one of my fav outfits. I'd rather do the damp underwear thing.
And while we're on the subject of underwear, who came up with the concept of thongs? I finally broke out of the usual bikini forever mode and bought a single thong, and wore said thong..once. How in the heck are you supposed to keep the strap unwedgied? Doesn't anyone realize how very cold MD winters are? Maybe I'm the wrong generation, although I'm not that old, yeesh. Or maybe I spent too much time running through the woods growing up. (hey, It could have something to do with an aversion to thongs). Maybe I'm too much of a treehouse person and I want my underwear to be substantial enough to double as rope should I be forced to use it to rappell someday. (It could happen.) Whatever the underlying reason, the thong will not be getting a repeat wearing.
So, it's one of those days. I have homework, which is mostly not done. I was supposed to be at the Duke women's basketball game today, which I am missing, even as I write. Before that, I was supposed to go meet somebody, which I didn't. I was at work late Friday and am fielding angry emails even as I write. I will have to deal with incredible amounts of disgruntledness on Monday. Incredible amounts, which I am not looking forward to. The only seminormal person I've run into in a while is, well, not. I have a work project that I can't test because I didn't leave the machine on. Oh, and that will contribute to the disgruntledness to come on Monday. Somebody hold me. I need a cat to hug, but they're all at home. *Grumble.* *ssiiigghh.*
Oh, and it was one of those days that look warm and then you go out and it's all like "wind, cold, blowing in your face no matter which way you're walking."
Maybe tomorrow will be better. Except the disgruntled are just waiting to complain at me, and about me, and threaten the job without which I can't pay my rent and my tuition and all that good stuff. And I'll have to drop out of school and get another job (in this economy, no less) or move home and go back to being about 13. Yay. Soo grumpy.
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
Well! That was a very mean thing I did there, promising everyone all sorts
of updates and mayhem, and then not writing a single blessed thing. That's
some ...
2 years ago
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