Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Calc teacher, who is this adorable old man who has probably forgotten more Math than I'll ever learn, gave us the practice test for Friday today. Omg. I understand like 90% of it. And what I don't understand is the stuff for which I missed lectures. (I was sick one day, and the other I hit snooze too early and the alarm didn't go off again and when I woke up it was already like 9. Class is at 8. It sucked too, because there was a quiz that should have been easy for me that day. I was fairly bummed.)

Anyway, I might might Insha'Allah, zomg, be able to do well on this test. A B maybe or dare I hope? Dare I, an A?

Shut up. Yes, I used to be the queen of As, A+s even, but this is a new life practically. Just wait til I make it kick in. Just wait til I start kicking asses and chewing bubble gum. Just wait til I run out of bubble gum. Yeah, you just wait.

Anyway, I have about 100 practice problems to do between now and Friday. Let the designing of improbable fences with very precise dimensions begin! If I ever have a horse, Insha'Allah I will not care about the absolute maximization of his paddock, but yeesh, I might be able to calculate it.


Not an awesome thought.

Guild is still hemorrhaging people left and right. (Also, hahahaha, gloatiness! I spelled that right the first time! Without spellchecker! Hahaha!)

The little things make me happy. Back to work.

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