Thursday, November 27, 2008

2 weeks ago, lady loaned me her coat

2 weeks ago Wed, masquerade party

this week, went to movies, just before thanksgiving break

game boys

I don't mind if the guy I like way way too much doesn't like me. It'd be nice if somebody did though, and not in a platonic "omg, we're friends, giggle, man giggle" way either." More of a "oh, your...arms...they're so..armish..kiss me...kiss me..." way. lol, I am so weird. Awesomely weird. :)

OMG. He doesn't like me! Get over him. Jeez.

Also, this stupid recap post has been sitting on my machine for over a week. I need to finish it already so I can get to posting more. I'm going to write my life story to date: my L-Sod, pronounced el sod. Us geeks love our acronyms. How did the acronymically inclined writer with a speech impediment dictate the second book in his series? He LISPed out a SQL. HarDeHarHar. :D I know. That was bad.

So tired, today is December 4 and I have been up since Dec 3 at 6 ish am. and I have a test tomorrow. Yay. And my project is not done to my liking. I am changing things next semester, hopefully. This is not cool at all.

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