Wednesday, March 11, 2009

views and practice and more of the happy

My angry rant post was unbelievably well-read for this blog. I was very pleasantly surprised and a little amazed. It also did its purpose and made me feel a lot better about the whole thing. I hope it wasn't too strongly worded or offensive. It was meant more to make me feel better and to be honest and forthright than to hurt anyone. Also, thanks to everyone who commented on that post and also on my older ones. I do read comments on old posts. :)

What's new? Gymnastics practice was amazing yesterday and tonight. I can almost say I have my cartwheel! I say almost because I want to have it a little better and for a little more time before I say that I HAVE it. It feels good though and the coach noticed and commented on it, which made me feel really, really, really good. That was yesterday, and then tonight, we had a long practice and I'm not really good enough to work skills for all of a 3 hour practice. I'm also not strong enough to do a lot of what I would like to do. I wound up working out for about 30 or 45 minutes and then going to the strength gym downstairs and doing my full body workout for the 45 or so minutes that that takes and then going back up to the gymnastics gym and doing another 45 minutes on the beam and the trampoline and stretching. I feel so tired heading home right now.

It's a good tired though, like the sort of tired that happens when you know you did a lot and now you're done. It's a happy tired, even though I still have Calc homework to do when I get home.


Anonymous said...

You're taking gymnastics? HOW COOL! I wish they offered that somewhere near me!

Judy said...

Sure do and I love it, even though it's the most difficult sport I've done, physically speaking. I was just fortunate enough for my university to have a really, very strong amateur program along with the usual more traditionally competitive teams, but you should check out the children's programs in your area. It seems like a gym will often have an adult class along with the kids' programs.