Whee! Look Mom, I'm blogging at work. It's a slow day here in the halls of techdom, so I have my uber-awesome Gateway P-6831FX, best laptop evar set up next to my work machine.
I shouldn't be this happy. Apparently I am losing not only brain cells but also the drive and ambition to labor in pursuit of grades. I want more! I consider this is a step forward. I actually want to be able to do something when I graduate. I already have a degree Summa Cum Laude. It wouldn't kill me terribly to not have another one. Ok, I lie a little. 2 Summa degrees would be awesome. But, if it's a choice between 2 Summa degrees and one Summa and another that's not but during the pursuit of which I had a life, and friends and stayed weird but got unbroke and spoke to non-work, non-family, non-zomg we-sit-next-to-each-other-in-class-and-periodically have-a-monosyllabic-exchange people on a regular basis it would be worth the very very slight blow to my ego and the inability to brag over my 3.8, 3.75, 3.9 w/e. I'm going for a 3.5. Why 3.5? Because it opens up honors. I'm a girl, my epeen isn't all that important to me.
Anyway, point is, I had a calc exam this morning which I probably bombed. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, probably in part because I raided last night and got enough sleep last night, both vital to my mental happiness. :)
Oh, and I still have some smartness left :D. I taught myself Newton-Raphson method and the other, more basic version of linear approximation in about 20 minutes this morning.
See, that frustrates me a little: If I could just get the efficiency within going before the morning of the exam, how much easier would all this be???
I can't complain though. Raid night was great, despite having to get guildies' friends to come in and fill up the raid. I did get enough sleep. I don't feel tired or grumpy or hormonal and most important...I AM STUDYING.! I'm studying, I want to study, even if I'm not highly effective in my study habits, yet. Yet.
It could be sooo much worse.
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
Well! That was a very mean thing I did there, promising everyone all sorts
of updates and mayhem, and then not writing a single blessed thing. That's
some ...
2 years ago
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