Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Weirdo is studying tonight. Okay enough with the third person. Too easy to disassociate from myself doing that. I'm listening to PRI's Selected Shorts Podcast and doing math homework and periodically leveling my druid.

I had a raid before, which went very well, IC to 45%+- 2% or so. Now I'm staying up all night in the library. Hopefully, I'll get this homework done like this. Plus, it somehow feels better than being at home, although it is a little chilly in here. I need to make myself a sweater or a shawl, and an afghan. Mom said not to look like a homeless person carrying a blanket. I love my Mom's sense of humor. It's dark sometimes and mean sometimes and based on evil laughter sometimes, but it's priceless.

My programming project is due Wednesday. I haven't even started it yet. Must catch up.

Back to work.

Oh, before I forget, the reason I'm writing here at all is Sherman Alexie. I love his work. His stories make me cry, but I love them. If you haven't read Flight and and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, get them. Especially get the Absolutely True Diary..., I laughed, I cried. I think I still have the audiobook of Flight on my mp3 player. I still listen to it periodically too, when I'm on a period of listening to my mp3 player. (I leave it in my backpack for months sometimes and then take it out and listen to it for a couple days or weeks.)

Okay, now back to work.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another day, another blog, same wierdo

As of today, I have about 7 or 8 semi-written blogs floating around the interwebz. Welcome, Mom. :)

I don't have a readership, as far as I know, but as long as I'm not too negative, my Momz might read this.

So, as introduction, let me say that this is the story of how I went from sad and lonely and weird to happy and friendful?, ummm, friended?, whatever, and weird. I'm being optimistic here.

My weird isn't going anywhere anytime soon, if I'm lucky. :)

There are four steps involved here:
1. Focus at work.
2. Focus when I'm supposed to be in class/doing schoolwork.
3. Find an extracurricular activity where I fit at least a little.
4. Discover DC! On weirdo terms!

K. That's the plan.

Right now, off to do some #2. (Write my programming project, that is. ^^)